Ellen, how old are you?

"I'm THREE!"

Yay! Yay! Yay!

Ellen had a fine time at her birthday party on Saturday. She didn't eat much, due to too much excitement, but she loved most everything she got. At first she wasn't sure about opening the presents, but by the third one or so she was really into it.

I say that she liked MOST of her gifts because there was one she DIDN'T like at first. Her MO aunt got her one of those really tall dolls, almost as tall as she is, and when you set it on the floor and move it just right it appears to walk. Her grandma did that and Ellen freaked out! Wouldn't have anything to do with it and left the room until it was out of sight.

But by the next day she'd warmed up to it and was playing with it. (Thank goodness!)

She only got two books, which was nice, as she already has a full library of them. But two new books were nice as well. It gives ME something new to read.

Ellen didn't want me to take down the decorations, she wanted her birthday to last and last. Someday she'll grow out of that one, I suppose.

(This is post 500...seems fitting it's about Ellen.)


Charlotte said…
"Ellen didn't want me to take down the decorations, she wanted her birthday to last and last. Someday she'll grow out of that one, I suppose."

hmm... I wouldn't count on it. (Coming from the person who left their Christmas decorations up until February.)

Happy birthday Ellen!
Anonymous said…
Cute cake!

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