The Last Rose of 2024

That title sounds like a potential work of fiction, with a bit of alteration.

 Night before last we had our first frost, a pretty heavy one.  The rose was so pretty with the frost on it; a rather bittersweet sight.  This time of year the bugs are dormant, so it was able to bloom very prettily, and you can see another bud there in the background. But I guess that one isn't going to get a chance to bloom.

At the moment, 6:30 AM, it is 34 degrees out, and might be a bit frosty, but at least it's not a hard freeze.  

I'd brought in everything that needed brought in; the sweet potatoes, onions, spaghetti squash and all of the pumpkins, decorative and otherwise.  I need to get on top of it and get the pie pumpkins baked down and in the freezer.  I just haven't had the time.  Seems like every week there is another project or two or three to get done.  

Today I am going to go help Gary with a well job because the guy who usually helps him, Doug, is processing walnuts.  

Indeed.  Here in black walnut country there is a walnut season where everyone can go out and collect all of the walnuts that have fallen in their yard or out in their fields, or someone else's yards or fields with permission.  Then bag them up and take them to a walnut processing station where you get paid a certain amount per hundred weight, I think, I have no idea.  All I know is that this year walnut season is only 2 weeks long, when in eons past it had been the whole month of October, and instead of $20, the price this year is $12.  From what Doug said the warehouses have a backlog of walnuts from last year, maybe no one is buying them, so they made this "season" a short and cheap one.

So all that to say; Doug is busy processing walnuts, so I am going to go with  Gary to help with a well.  I think it's for a widow who lives just a few miles from us.  I will keep you updated with how it goes.


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