"Opossum on the Half Shell"

The past 3 weeks or so when I have taken Bella for an evening walk out in the West pasture up here on the ridge, she has found an armadillo that seems to have taken up residence in a series of abandoned groundhog dens over by the former milk barn. In this pic he has retreated from her to a place of relative security between two large tires on a truck that has been parked out there for a few years. Groundhogs have excavated a den under there. I've no clue why Gary has that mall there. I need to snag it and bring it back to the house. Bella is by breed a herding dog, so it is in little danger of being killed or injured by her. It is rather funny because when she comes across it out in the field she will freeze, duck her head, and creep toward it. Armadillos have poor vision and are always preoccupied with foraging so you can usually get quite close to them, especially if they are in the weeds. So sometimes Bella will hover over it for a few second...