First Days of School

Many things negative can be said for social media; Facebook in particular. But one thing it is good for is the memories feature. Last week, August 20th, Ellen started her last first day of high school. So over the past couple of weeks I have perused my Facebook memories and saved the first day of school photos. I think for kindergarten I must have been so flustered that I forgot to get a first day picture and somehow I am missing first and ninth. Ugh. So here are all of the first days of school that I have been able to find on Facebook. I am a terrible parent; I need to get prints of these and put them in an album. I think I have them in the right order...if not, maybe Ellen herself can correct them for me some day. (ETA: I've got a couple of them out of order, but don't have the oomph to go back and edit; you can figure it out. haha) First Grade: Second: Third Grade: Fourth: Fifth: Sixth: Seventh: Eighth: Ninth: El...