It's such fun when kids are just learning to talk. Here are a few words Ellen has changed or come up with.
Beeber- an animal with a big flat tail that lives in ponds
clippernails- a device to clip your nails with, of course
kellihopters- 1)machines that fly in the sky 2)maple tree seeds
Whinney-ah-Pooh; that silly old bear
lion-the sandy white stuff you put on your garden soil to amend the ph (lime)
nap-a paper you look at to find out where you need to go
Beeber- an animal with a big flat tail that lives in ponds
clippernails- a device to clip your nails with, of course
kellihopters- 1)machines that fly in the sky 2)maple tree seeds
Whinney-ah-Pooh; that silly old bear
lion-the sandy white stuff you put on your garden soil to amend the ph (lime)
nap-a paper you look at to find out where you need to go