Good Weather and Bad News

Outside it's a nice, balmy 80 something degrees F (about 25 degrees C); a bit windy and hazy, but a nice change from temps in the teens. We finished our dehorning for the season this afternoon. I hope they are OK. There are some flies out in the warm weather, but we couldn't put it off any longer.

Ellen had her 2 year well-child check-up this morning. All went as expected...even the bad part. She is 35 inches tall and weighs 31.2 pounds. She dropped 2 lbs since last visit 6 months ago, but that is because she is more active and much more picky about what she will and won't eat. The past couple of days she hasn't eaten much of anything. Doc said to try mixing milk with orange juice to get her to drink it; kind of like an Orange Julius drink. Or just make her fruit smoothies with milk. I will have to try them both.

About the bad part; she has a herniated navel. Well, we already knew that from last visit, but doc says they aren't uncommon but if they haven't closed by age 2 then they have to be fixed surgically by adding a little mesh screen over it. She'll be knocked out for the operation. We have an appointment with a specialist on March 17 but we aren't sure if it will only be for a preliminary screening or if the doc will actually do the procedure then. We will call to see. I am hoping they will just do it then so we can get it over with.

That's all for now.


jel said…
poor baby ;(

hope turns out ok!

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