New Garden Spot-the "Before" pic
Hubby almost has the fence completely up for our new garden spot. I thought I was getting a good shot of the hedgeposts he'd cut and used, but only the little cross pieces here are of hedgepost wood. He cut them down in the bottoms. I will have to get another shot. What's funny is that the main round posts you see in this corner here are actually made from a cut up utility pole that the electric company left across the way a few months back when they put in new ones. They don't care; if they are off the road they just leave them lay.
If you look closely you can see how I have been doing my exercising the past few days; there are piles of rocks in the new fence row that we have to get rid of in the next few days. Then we have to work on all the dirt clods. THEN we are going to plants beets and peas and onions and I don't know what all. I'll have to take an "AFTER" photo in a month or two.