July NaBloPoMo Theme: Food!
This should be a fun one; I can't wait to visit other blogs and see what they are blogging about on the subject of food. I plan on blogging on different aspects of food; different foods on the dairy and such.
This will be a great challenge to blog every day and there is a great probability that I will NOT be able to blog every day. I haven't figured out how to do the cheater thing with regards to messing with the dates. I just don't have time. This week I am going to have to can green beans (highly appropo for this month's theme though) and I am gearing up to teach the 3rd and 4th graders in Vacation Bible School the 14th-18th of this month. Summer's are busy around here.
Anyway, here is my quick food offering for today's blog, a short but pithy poem from Ogden Nash:
Reflections on Ice-Breaking
Is dandy
But liquor
Is quicker.
Not that I sanction boozing it up to break the ice and get to know a bunch of strangers, but I like Nash's way of cutting to the chase to get his point across.
This will be a great challenge to blog every day and there is a great probability that I will NOT be able to blog every day. I haven't figured out how to do the cheater thing with regards to messing with the dates. I just don't have time. This week I am going to have to can green beans (highly appropo for this month's theme though) and I am gearing up to teach the 3rd and 4th graders in Vacation Bible School the 14th-18th of this month. Summer's are busy around here.
Anyway, here is my quick food offering for today's blog, a short but pithy poem from Ogden Nash:
Reflections on Ice-Breaking
Is dandy
But liquor
Is quicker.
Not that I sanction boozing it up to break the ice and get to know a bunch of strangers, but I like Nash's way of cutting to the chase to get his point across.
We are also getting beans from our plot but can 't can them
I love that the NaBloPoMo theme for the month is food! What pregnant woman DOESN'T think of food??!?! Actually, that would be me! LOL! Food and I are NOT friends right now! Bleh!