
A Few Things...

First thing is that I have had an annoying head cold all week.  Usually any virus I catch goes straight to my lungs and I am congested for a month.  This all stayed in my sinuses, so it's pretty much gone. But it had me feeling drained a bit so I haven't gotten as far along with my garden as I might have wanted. But here are a few pics of garden 2024 progress. There is a short row of beets marked by the bamboo pole.  Then there are 2 rows of green beans.  For time out of mind the Howards have planted Top Crop variety green beans.  Those have been hard to come by the past couple of years.  This year I actually ordered them by mail.  But to get enough seed I also bought 2 other varieties.  I planted Contender seed.  I forget the other variety at the moment, but I haven't planted it yet. In the background you can see I've started the sweet potato ridge.   For kicks and sheer curiosity I ordered some bush sweet potato slips.  They arrived fairly sad looking. However after a

Art Walk

 Saturday, May 4th, was the Art Walk in Buffalo. There were quite a few vendors, but very, very few customers.  Some of the vendors did really well, many did not.  Pretty much all I sold were the ballerina style dollies, like the above middle ones.  I sold 4 of those and this jute-wrapped starfish mobile I'd made a couple of years ago for my Sunday School classroom.  Id just brought that along on a whim, but some lady just raved about it so I sold it to her for $5.  Ha! Of course, no sooner had I made a sale than I had to turn around and buy a mug from Mary Gainey.   The little dark one in front.  It comfortably hold exactly one cup, so makes the perfect mug for tea...or coffee,  I suppose.  I'm more coffee than tea, but lately I've been doing tea more.  In any case, there went my $4 profit...and then some, so I ended up in the hole.  Haha... But it was fun to get out and see people anyway.  

FBLA President

 Last night was the Future Business Leaders of America; Buffalo, MO chapter, induction Banquet.  Ellen was inducted as the president for the 2024-25 school year; her senior year.  Here she is making her acceptance speech.  She was super nervous, but she is going to do a fabulous job, I am sure.  The girl in the black dress, seated next to her and looking at her, was the former president and will be graduating here next week.  There were lots of tears and hugs and whatnot as they all bid farewell to the graduating seniors.   Every year Ellen, and the rest of them, get teary-eyed over their senior friends graduating.  I told her that is a fundamental truth of life; you work your way up from ground floor of one goal to the next; school, jobs or careers, relationships...etc.  The Lord, and time, have a way of sifting out the wheat from the chaff; or the influential from the non-influential, if that makes any sense.  You hang on to the important aspects, lessons and relationships from thing

Foggy Friday

 We have had a few showers pass over us through the night.  It is after 7 AM, overcast and a bit foggy, as it sometimes is after a rain.   Yesterday I mudded in green bean seeds in the hopes they will be ready to harvest and can BEFORE we take our vacation in mid July.  Also in hopes that we are out from under the threat of a freeze.  I have seen it snow in early May, on this very date of the 3rd.  This would have been my mother-in-law's 88th birthday, I believe.  I remember going up to her house toting in her gift bags and presents with it snowing.  It didn't last long and it melted right off, I believe, but there is still the potential there to nip any newly sprouted veggies. I did set out tomatoes and peppers, mostly because I am tired of babying them along in their teensy little trays. They look like they are feeling the strain, so I am taking the chance and setting them out to make it or not. Here is just a random picture.  This iris clump is really putting on a show this

A Spring Walk to the Faerie Spring

 Yesterday it just happened.   The dog and I ended up going to the Faerie Spring.  We had been going out across the back upper pasture here on the ridge where the cows overwinter.  But we hadn't been able to the past 2 weeks because of turkey season and random wandering of which we have no idea who it was, which is concerning.  Secondly, a few days ago I discovered that the Canadian geese that frequent the ponds there in the West pasture are attempting to nest in the bushes of that back pasture.  Bella and I and Ellen went back there over the weekend and heard the geese wanking back in the bushes.  Since they are almost always out in the pasture or there on the pond I knew they must be trying to set.  It would be neat if they were successful and actually were able to raise a couple of goslings. I digress. So Bella and I bypassed that back field and went a bit further to go through the wooded area on the edge of the ridge.  We were doing fine until I heard the spring r

Lots of Rain

 It has been a wet weekend, from Thursday night through today; Sunday evening at the moment.  We've had well over 4 inches, and it is coming down gangbusters again.  This is what Four Mile Creek looked like yesterday afternoon when Ellen and I went to our friend's boutique. I don't know how long it has been since the creek has jammed up the bridge this badly.  I think since it hasn't flowed through consistently for a long time, much less been so high, there was a great amount of debris collected along the bed.  The big rain just kashooshed it along all at once. I'm thankful for the rain though, the ponds were getting so low.

A Field it were

 Just testing to see if I could blog from the phone.  And apparently I can. I remember with the other phone I couldn't figure out how with the other phone  So anyway.  Here is a milestone the car made yesterday.  Ha