My Husband

In going through my old Facebook pictures and memories I’ve discovered that the bulk of my photos and memories surround either pets or Ellen. There are few of Gary. Not that he complains about it. He does his best to avoid photos of himself, so really this is a rare one. But it’s one of my favorites of him. Gail, his sister, took it last fall. It was the last Saturday of fishing season for 2024 and I had signed up to be a vendor at a craft show. But Gail and he were hankering to get in one more day of fishing so they could try out their “secret” bait. They did try it out, even though it involved like a 100 mile round trip to acquire what they needed. And it worked. Good thing. I will not reveal the secret here. Haha. Gail snapped this of him as he was stepping out with his stringer of fish. We are all hoping to be able to take a few camping trips this summer that will involve fishing. I honestly don’t know why we will do more fishing. We still h...