A Lit Service


Today, during the 11 AM service time we had our annual Christmas program.  We were seated near the back so we didn't get a clear view of anything, but the whole concept was was fairly simple; an adult couple narrated the Christmas story straight from different Bible Scriptures while youths from all age groups acted it out. No lines to memorize. As they went along in between here and there were a few Christmas carols that we were all invited to join in. This all made for an endearing Christmas program.  All the kids, of all ages, got to partake if they so chose, and of course all of the adult parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters...etc, were able to enjoy seeing their precious poppets perform.

When the production was over and the cast were standing on stage we were all invited to stand and sing another Christmas carol during which they went around and lit our candles.  It was nice, but there were a couple of notable moments.  For one thing, if you look at the picture above you will notice Wesley; in the vest. For some reason his candle decided to be "extra," as teen vernacular might term it. I didn't see exactly what happened, but at one point when I glanced over at him, the flame was close to 2 inches long and flickering all over the place.  The wicks all seemed to be long to begin with, so maybe he got one that was extra long.  He got it under control and kept it going for awhile.

Second notable moment: After the congregational carol was finished someone got up and thanked the program director and the children for all of their hard work and asked us to applaud for them. Well, we were all standing there holding flickering candles so it was a bit hard to clap our hands, and we didn't know if we were supposed to blow out the candles or not.  Some people did.  Some of us just stood there with them still lit.  Then Shane, the pastor, took the mic and noted that some of us had blown them out already, but he started talking about how the candle represented our lights...etc, etc.  When he was finished he didn't tell us if we needed to blow out the candles yet, he just kept talking about different events planned.  At that point I DID blow mine out, but some people were still standing there with them lit. Haha. When Shane began a closing prayer everyone finally blew out their candles.  

A wonderful time was had by all...as far as I am aware of.  


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