
 Autumn fell upon us today.  Yesterday it was summer; temps soared quite close to 100, this morning it rained and was quite cool. In celebration Bella and I forsook walls and fenced gardens and leashes and took off the to wilds.   It has been many months since we have had the time to enjoy a walk.

I had to take this photo of Bella while she was yet on the leash, because when she’s off leash, she is just a blur.  

This is what I see of her when she is loose:  

Can you spot her?

The past couple of years have been full of uncertainty and loss for me personally and our world is full of much uncertainty and confusion.  But to the wilds I took my grief and I mixed it with the peace and stillness and wonder of the Creator’s creation I found along Four Mile Creek today.  And there, however brief it may be, I found a surcease from the sorrows and cares of this world. Join me and Bella on our walkabout today. 

After a summer of drought the creek is quite dry, but it still flows with leaves floating down from above.  

This past spring we had a great deal of rain and some flooding.  As a consequence there are quite a few downed trees.  

This massive sycamore was at one of our main creek crossings.  It was right at the edge of the creek.  We figure the flood waters finally washed all the earth from under it.  Pictures never do justice to how large these trees are.  

Then a bit further down was an old oak that fell across the creek from up on the bank. If you look closely you can see yet another smaller dead tree that also fell, further down the creek bed.

The above tree had a secret.  It had probably been a den tree. 
This below shot is looking along the trunk that’s to the right on the above picture.

Then this shot is looking down inside the trunk.

See any eyes shining out at you?  I hope not!  

This tree is yet clinging to the bank.  It almost appears to be levitating above the creek bed.  I presume on the bank side of it there are a few stout roots still in the soil, but it is kind of nerve wracking being underneath it.

Further down the creek these tree roots fascinated me, and raised so many questions in my mind.  
Where was the creek located when this tree put down its roots?  How long ago was that?  How old IS this tree root?  How much longer will it hold these rocks hostage?  

It’s a good thing I have been walking half hour a day most every day; I’ve got back into shape for walking back up the ridge to home!  

Yes, I have to put Bella back on the leash.  Else she’d take off down a different ravine after squirrels and try my patience.  Plus she helps haul me back up the hill.  Haha

And finally, found in the creek bed:  proof that the Lord has a sense of humor!  

That is the end folks!  Thanks for taking a walk with us!  Bella says “Woof!”


Anonymous said…
I SO enjoyed this! Finding a petrified fanny in the creek is also funny!
Donna. W said…
There's nothing like walking in God's nature to make me forget about the problems of the world.
Calfkeeper said…
Thank you for your comments. I love finding the fanciful in nature. Yes, I think it is God’s way of helping me cleanse my thoughts and restore my soul.

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