One October Wednesday

 It has been over a YEAR since I have posted anything here!  That is crazy ridiculous!  Here is a brief rundown of life and then some pics of our day today

The year is 2020 and we are in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is not fun.  Toilet paper and hand sanitizer shortages among other things, marked this past spring.  Then school closures and trying to do on-line schooling for Ellen. 

 Then this August they started the kids back to school with social distancing...even on the buses.  Kids were to wear masks on the bus and in the hallways at school.  They have to stay in the same room and the teachers change classes.  That was starting up in Orange mode; which was only if a certain amount of people in the county were infected with the virus.  That lasted about 3 weeks; then there were more than 20 positive cases in the county; so the school district went to Yellow mode.  That is where they broke the students up alphabetically; Children with parents/guardians last names beginning A-L went to school Mon and Tues.  Wed all students had Zoom meetings.  Then Thurs and Fri M-Z attended classes.  On the days students weren't physically in school they had either on line work or paper packets.  

Next week they are going to go back to a modified Yellow; ALL students will attend 4 days:  Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri.  Wed will be Zoom, on line, whilst the school is cleaned.  And all students have plexiglass between their seats.   

This is because they are of the opinion that the virus isn't being passed around at school. 

So....all of this jazz means that Ellen is at home on Wednesdays.  She had her Zoom meeting this morning and then we all headed off to help Gary on a well job.  His regular  helper is doing walnuts right now

Here is a series of pics we took.  



We replaced the wire, the couplings and the pump.  It took about 3 hours.  The weather was beautiful; a bit windy, but really warm.


jel said…
Gary should put her on the payroll full time,
she a hard worker!:)
Calfkeeper said…
Bless your heart Jel for sticking with me on here! Thank you!

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