For the past month I have neglected to record that the TDIDW (the dog I didn't want) had 4 puppies on May 11th of this year. She and Deuce finally got 'er done. Unfortunately the runt didn't survive; so we have 2 males and one female we are trying to sell as registered for $220 each.
To me this seems a crazy amount to pay for a dog; but after doing a search on the WWW it is actually amazingly cheap. We paid $111 for Bella (the $11) was to get her registered with the ABCA (American Border Collie Association). But on some Border Collie sites people are asking up to $1600 per pup! Whew!
We have had 2 inquiries on them, and though we answered them so far no one has taken us up and actually come to see the pups. I hope we can get rid of them. It is already a pain trying to clean up after 5 dogs! And they have little doodles still!