A Walk in Early Spring

Yes, I am going to post twice today.  Because I feel like it.  A bit over a week ago I took the dogs for a walk out to the west of the house, just above the Faerie Spring...which I haven't been to yet this spring.  At any rate here are a few pics from that. 

This, I believe, is a marker tree.  I think sometimes these trees a created naturally; but this one just seems too, I dunno, too perfect.  Apparently the Native Americans would tie saplings over to create these trees on purpose to mark trails, or some other landmark.  There are three of these, the other two are much smaller and may be just coincidence, but they are all along a ridge just above the Faerie Spring.

Here's a panorama picture I tried out with my camera.  I wanted to get a shot of the dogwoods in bloom.  I always try to get blooming dogwood pics but they never turn out as breathtaking as the trees are in real life. 

Another dogwood shot.  They have been really beautiful this year.

Closeup, with Bella's hiney in the background.

(Thankful notes:  I am thankful for lovely blossoms in spring.  Fascinating mysteries like marker trees.  And a dog I do not want who photo bombs my pics.  LOL)


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