My Poor Blog

It has been dreadfully neglected this month. I plan on trying to rectify that in Oct and Nov and do some NaBloPo-ing, if I can. Probably won't make it every day, but will try. These kittens are about to drive me batty. Against all the odds they have survived and are growing. The gray one is the cute one, the orange one is rather homely. I have had my doubts that she would survive at all, but she keeps hanging in there. That is her with Ellen's dolly up there. Ellen tossed her doll down when she was playing by the kittens and the orange one found it and went to sleep on it. Keeping them clean is a full time job in and of itself. And feeding them is a pain too; literally. Their claws are like little needles. But I still have to say they are easier to bottle feed than calves, at least I don't have to wrestle them around. Last week I made a batch of green tomato relish. I think it turned out OK, but time will tell. It contained green tomatoes, onion, sweet peppers...