Grapefruit Memories
On Tues, today is Friday, our neighbor Bonnie, gave me a couple of grapefruit. Perhaps that is an odd thing to wax nostalgic over, but nonetheless it brings back many memories. My father was a big believer in the power of vitamin C to cure all ailments. In the bathroom cabinet he kept a bottle, it was indeed a brownish glass bottle, of chewable vitamin C tablets. We girls; Leslie, Teresa and I, would occasionally amuse ourselves by getting them and watching each other's faces as we chewed one up. They were not mixed with any sort of sugar or flavoring whatsoever, just tiny pills of straight whatever-it-was they used to put the actual vitamin into a tablet form. Just thinking about it makes my jaws pucker up. Haha! The faces we would make! I believe Dad usually encouraged to do this when someone had a cold, or even thought they were coming down with something. It was supposed to be a preventative measure as well as a curative one. To get m...