Birthday Number Five, the story

For the past few months Ellen has been asking for a "real" Barbie doll for her birthday. She has several 11 inch dolls, knock-off Barbies, if you will. But she knows the difference somehow; she wanted a REAL one. I would rather she not have anything to do with Barbie dolls. I am not a Barbie fan; at all. However, you have to pick your fights. I have expressly forbidden anything "SpongeBob-ish" to appear in this house. Maybe I am wrong in this; maybe I should allow him and ban Barbie, but we all have our likes and dislikes. To me SpongeBob is much uglier than Barbie. But I digress. So I told my mom about the Barbie wish, and she said she'd get Ellen a Barbie. Behold an enchanted Ellen opening her Barbie: Now behold what kind of Barbie my mother got for her. (Keeping in mind that you can hardly find just a Barbie doll; they must needs sell them in little sets or scenarios; jogging Barbie, baby-sitting Barbie, breakfast Barbie...etc) Puppy potty...