Facts and Frustrations

Here is my once-monthly blog entry. Really, I DO mean to blog more often, but somehow it just gets pushed to the wayside. I really need to update the photo too. Well, that will have to wait as well. Above please see Ellen and her newest buddy; the only other little girl in the pre-school VBS class. Fact: In 2 days we, Ellen and I, are flying out of MO and back to CA for a 2 week visit. Fact: Last week was Vacation Bible School at church. I am still frazzled from that. Fact: In the 2 weeks before and the week of VBS I get nothing done but the very basics. Fact: Now I needs must do cleaning, cook lots of food to sustain my husband in the 18 days I am gone, because he won't go shopping or do any major food prep by himself, and try and prep my garden for my absence as well. Fact: The weeds are taking over my garden. Fact: I will not be here when the peas need harvesting. Fact: I need to tie up my tomatoes. Fact: Oh, yes. I have to pack for both Ellen and myself. Any more ...