Free Loot

On the 7th we went to another free barbecue. This one was a customer appreciation day held by a company hubby buys some well supplies from. They put on quite the big shindig; afterwards having a free drawing for lots of loot they have displayed up on a table in front. They had fun games for the ladies, and games outside for the kids. Ellen wanted to do everything, cake walk, ring toss, bouncy house, face paint... She did too, except for the bouncy house thing. She just couldn't make herself get into it with all those other kids. But she did let a gal paint her face. This kind of surprised me. Normally she wouldn't let a stranger get that close to her. At any rate, to make a long story short. My husband wasn't too hot on staying late for the drawing, but in the end he won a set of pliers and wrenches (not pictured), I won the above Stanley 123 piece socket set and Ellen won the little digital camera. She was enchanted with this camera and soon filled up the memory...