Adventure and Ice

We are off for our family Christmas tradition trip least it is becoming a tradition since Gary retired. Silver Dollar City This morning we will do some shopping down in Branson, before we go to the amusement park. Gary is going to get me a nice coat for Christmas, for one thing. Then we'll go take in some of the SDC Christmas shows and lights and all after it gets dark. It will be a long day, but we will have a good time...barring any random disaster of course. In the meantime here is a picture of some frost flowers I took yesterday on my walk to the creek bottoms. I have posted about them before. It's only a couple different plants that have them. When it freezes it squeezes the moisture still left in the dead stems out and forms folded ribbons of ice. Where there is a patch of these plants it looks like someone threw out a bunch of wadded up paper towels. You can see them along the unmown back roads here on frosty mornings. S...