Goodbye to Matilda

Our puddy, Matilda, crossed over the rainbow bridge this afternoon. My heart is hurting. She was my first furry friend when I came to Missouri. She had been going downhill for a long while, I hadn't actually noticed it until a few days ago. It makes me sad that I didn't notice sooner and take her in. But maybe they couldn't have done anything anyway. I will never know. Anyway, she'd been eating less and less every day this past weekend. But she kept going out to widdle or whatever, and then coming back to the house. It looked like she was having trouble with her back hips/legs. This past Monday (today is Thurs) she slept inside from about 4 AM, drank a bit of water, and only lapped up a smidge of tuna juice. She laid back down for a bit but wanted outside that afternoon. That was the last I saw of her until today. Gary and I had looked all over; in the tractor shed where she liked to hang out, under the house,...