In the meantime...

Here are a couple of pictures to illustrate what happened to our yard in Missouri after 2 months of no rain and temps between 90 and 100+ degrees. Here's Ellen in early May; out helping me garden. Looks like we are behind on the mowing and weedeating chores a wee tad. Here's Ellen in the first weekend in August; dressed up to go to a family reunion. No need to mow here. A little randomness: Bet you have never tried to tow a road grader with a bulldozer, have you? I have. It was quite the adventure. Hubby got himself a newer road grader this summer. The place he bought it from loaded it with some kind of crane-jobber-thingy-mabobber; which meant that the blade on the grader was cocked at a weird angle. (Keep the blade angle in mind.) So anyway. The grader is on the trailer. Said grader cannot be started unless it is towed. Hmmmm... Thusly grader must be unloaded from trailer ...